Sunday 8 March 2020

Batrep time!

So, I pulled out my Swans again, this time with the intent to test out a perceived synergy with Nemo4!

The idea was that Nemo would provide a heavy to Stryker3, whilst alleviating his focus management issue. All the while, providing two strong guns to the list!

The list I ran was the following:

-Ol' Rowdy
Nemo4 and his MERRY MEN
Glyn Cormier
Trencher Engineers
-Morrowan Battle Priest

I ended up playing it into Borka2 in SoTN
The list was, from memory:

Champs and Skaldi
Champ Hero

We played on  Bunkers, with an obstruction in each zone, the central and (my)right flags had a forest concealing the enemy from me and I had an obstruction in my zone.

I got to pick sides, and chose the side I did, because I could bunker down behind the central obstruction in my zone!.

Deployment was as follows:

Borka sits central, with the coldstone behind him, and the mauler and brawler front and centre. Rok was sat on the deployment line to my right, with the champs, and the Axer was on my left.

I deployed Stryker centrally, with his clad to his right, and Rowdy to his left. Nemo went on my far left flank, with Dynamo 10" to his right, next to stryker's clad. Jakes and her clad went on my left flank next to Nemo. The Merry Men went spread out behind my army, as did the Trencher mechs.

Borka casts Battlecharged and advances, whilst the army runs. Champs and Rok swing wide right, the Brawler prepares for an alpha behind the obstruction.

Stryker advances, casting escort and iron aggression. Rowdy runs up centrally, shielding stryker, and ernding in B2B with the obstruction so he's safe. The Clads end up behind him, alongside Dynamo. The Firefly runs up to keep Rok back a turn. Jakes casts Sidekick on her jack. Nemo spawns a Journeyman warcaster then runs to take a mauler charge. The newly spawned, and somewhat SURPRISED, Journeyman arcane shields Ol Rowdy then repos to safety. The Merry Men and Trencher mechs advance to repair him after.

Borka upkeeps, and casts a free primal on Rok and rages the Brawler.  The Brawler then goes in, and just kills Rowdy with his full fury stack! The mauler gets rushed and goes into Nemo as predicted. Nemo is camping 5 and lives on 6 boxes. Rok kills the firefly and champs charge, and do nothing much to Dynamo.

Counterpunch time. Both Clads get loaded. Stryker fury's one, and feats, smacking a mauler for two hits. Jakes Energizers her jack into a solid position to charge. Said jack charges and just utterly destroys both heavies, leaving the mauler on 2, and the brawler dies, spawning a whelp. Glyn wastes everyone's time and does nothing with her weaponmaster sword. Nemo just places out of combat and shoots the mauler dead, critically missing the first shot! Due to the first shot missing, I have a FULLY loaded stormclad blocked from charging Borka. I am the sads for about 6 minutes before realising that the clad has to block stryker else I lose.
So I charge the whelp, positioning the clad to block LOS to my caster.
Score goes to 2-1 to trolls.

Rok Frenzies onto a champ. Dude takes like 12 damage and doesn't tough. Champs charge my backline and bop Dynamo some more. Borka keeps his full stack, and kills my last heavy, and camps two. The stone moves up. Score goes to 4-1

I get focus back. Jakes boosts and boosts into him, casually rolling a 6, 6, 5 for damage. Nemo gets supertuned and drops two shots into Borka. He ends up on no camp with 8 boxes left. Stryker gets fury'd and charges him, putting the troll down!


This is my first game with Swans since the ATGM CID. So Im gonna review Glyn here in addition to Nemo.

Glyn is bad. I took her for her place effect, and she failed utterly. Pow12 on that gun isnt enough for her to do what she's intended in this list, at least.

Nemo4? Where do I begin! His spell list is GREAT. Him being Focus 5 is great! and his ability to spawn in a JMWC is MENTAL. And that's not talking about the OTHER solos he can bring to bear! His recursion is great too. I've got him in a Haley3 HM list def skew to help keep the line running too. His ability to place and do damage is great, especially on a huge base model. Also, FUCK ME THAT GUN IS BONKERS. Then theres the unit with him. The three abilities are nuts. He got repaired by them from 6 boxes to 17 in a single turn. The following, the super tuning allowed him to essentially kill Rok in two shots via transfers. On top of that, they can functionally render nemo's jack fully functional, without nemo allocating a single focus, which means he can just show up and start blasting. Overall I give him a 9/10, due to the focus giving limitations.

Friday 5 July 2019



I played another Cygnar game today, against Khador again. This time, my opponent was running Karchev. The list was:
Karchev the Terrible - WJ: +30 
- Behemoth - PC: 25 (Battlegroup Points Used: 25) 
- Juggernaut - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 5) 
- Demolisher - PC: 16 
- Berserker - PC: 8 

Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios - PC: 7 
Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff - PC: 0 
- Beast 09 - PC: 18 
Manhunter - PC: 0 
Widowmaker Marksman - PC: 0 

Kayazy Eliminators - Leader & Grunt: 5 

Widowmaker Scouts - Leader & 3 Grunts: 8 
 Battle Mechaniks - Leader & 5 Grunts: 5 

THEME: Jaws of the Wolf --- 

I played a Sons of the Tempest list which was Siege1 with a stormwall. Double gun mages and UA, one of which was martialling an Avenger, minimum Blazers, Bastian Falk, and the Black 13th.

We played Invasion.

He won the roll off and chose first turn.

He deployed with his battlegroup central, Sorscha and Beast on my left flank, the widowmakers and marksman on my right with Eiryss AD'd to the far flank on my left, and the manhunter AD'd centrally.

I deployed my Stormwall to the left opposite Beast alongside the blazers, Siege was central, and the infantry sat on my right with the avenger.

Everything runs. No spells go out on Karchev. Sorscha charges and puts out fog.

Siege walks up and drops a foxhole opposite the widowmakers, and sticks explosivo on the stormwall. The first unit of Gun Mages sit in it to get cover. The Black 13th run into rough terrain to get cover. The second unit of gun mages minifeat to kill off his manhunter. Support runs up.

Jacks power up. No allocation. Stuff runs up. Sorscha boundless charges Behemoth too. He charges into the centre of the board. Karchev sticks up Battlecharged. Widowmakers snipe out Lynch from the 13th. Eiryss walked out and shot off a Blazer. Kayazy run up to try and contest that side of the board for now.

Gun mages and the remnants of the Black 13th clear out the round zone. The Blazers walk out and both miss Eiryss. They repo back to safety. The stormwall steps up to be behind a wall, and drops a pod, killing eiryss. It then shoots the pod, using explosivo to blast eiryss and a kayazy off, and leaves the other on 1 box. Siege hits the objective with a ground pounder, leaving it on 5 boxes. The gun mage unit in the centre walk up and finish it off. Avenger knocks down Behemoth, Beast 09 and the Demolisher.

Cygnar score 2 points this turn.

Jacks power up. Behemoth gets 1, Beast gets 2.  Beast Forces to stand. 
Karchev casts Jumpstart, and wanders up, dropping battlecharged for Road to War. Sorscha boundless charges Beast, and he charges the stormwall. He triple 1's the charge attack, and as a result, leaves the stormwall mostly intact with all systems working fine. Behemoth aims, and boosts a shot into a clump of gunmages, killing all of them, barring Falk and the UA. His second shot takes care of them. The Demolisher road to wars up, and kills the objective. The second Road to War move advances the juggernaut. The Berserker charges in, and kills Watts. The Juggernaut charges in and misses everything. The Marksman double sixes his attack roll to kill Ryan.

Khador score 1, scoire is 2:1 in favour of Cygnar.

Siege allocates 2 to the stormwall. The autonomous Avenger knocks Karchev down, dealing some damage to him. Siege feats and drops 16 damage off Behemoth, and force hammers the demolisher away. The Stormwall beats the tar out of Beast, and leaves him with the right arm. The tempest blazers kill sorscha. The Gun mages try thunderbolting everything out of the zone. They fail.

Score goes to 3:1 in favour of cygnar.

Karchev fully allocates the Berserker, and gives Behemoth 1. Behemoth shoots Siege twice, leaving him knocked down and on 1 box. The Berserker finishes him off.

Thats it! Game 3 goes to Khador! That makes this best of 5 go to 2-1 to me!

I knew that it was a rough match going into it, as I had a stormwall to deal with that battlegroup. I tried going up 3-1 real early, which failed, and the jacks started contesting all zones. So I basically had to go balls to the wall and hope for a miracle, which did not come.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Red Vs Blu, well, Pink.

I got back on the Cygnar train recently, so I got my bois in pink back out. Aaaand, I immediately dropped Haley2 into my pairing.  The list was:

Major Victoria Haley - WJ: +25
- Squire - PC: 0
- Centurion - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 17)
- Centurion - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)
- Hammersmith - PC: 12
- Stormclad - PC: 18
- Stormclad - PC: 18
- Thorn - PC: 13

Captain Arlan Strangewayes - PC: 0
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One - PC: 0

THEME: Heavy Metal

I played against the same Khador army as last time! So we'll see whats different now that he read my post about the last game!

Scenario was Bunkers, from SR2019. My opponent won the roll off, chose second and gave me the side with a building forcing me to funnel into the centre!

The terrain for this game was very important, actually. There was a flag, obscured by a building on the side of the board I was given. This meant that Versh could happily go the far right flag, and just score points freely. Other than that, there was a building on the other flank, which stopped me easily getting to the other far flag.

Objective wise, I took the Pathfinder objective, and my opponent took the one that stops places and shenanigans like that.

My deployment was: The two stormclads went on my left, with a centurion. The other jacks went on my right, with Haley central, Versh on the far right and the squire and Arlan behind to support.

My opponent deployed the Demo Corps centrally, the big Shocktrooper unit on my right, the litle shockies on my left, the battlegroup with butcher behind the demo corps and the kovnik in range to give all 3 desparate pace. The Berserker just hung out. Eiryss deployed behind a building.

Adv moves were the 3 units.

No allocation. Haley arc'ed a TK through thorn to trigger Reaction Drive on the far right centurion. She then TK'd the hammersmith and other Centurion, camped 2 and charged a shocktrooper. Thorn ran his full 12". The Jacks ran up as far as they could and Versh made a beeline to the far right flag.

No allocation. Juggernaut gets the no place thing. Kovnik desparate paces the smaller shocktroopers. They run up. Demo Corps run up. Bigger Shockies walk up in Shield Wall. Battlegroup shifts about and runs or advances up.

Thorn gets loaded up. Then it charges eiryss and kills it on the first attack(boosted attack roll). Haley then arcs a random shocktrooper to trigger reaction drive and then tk's Thorn. Versh gets to his flag. Jacks position to safety so I can alpha next turn.

No allocation. Shockies run to contest my flag and jam. Butcher sticks Vengeful on Ruin, and Iron  Flesh on himself. He charges up the field to bully with 2 camp in such a way that I can only get 1 jack on him. The juggy runs up to retaliate on whatever comes up. The Demo Corps and smaller Shockies run round the building and lay claim to that side of the board. Kovnik just heads to the far left flag. Score goes 2-1 to me.

Every jack gets filled up. It's go time. Haley walks up and feats. Versh rolls up 4 shots, does nothing to shocktroopers. A Centurion kills 3. The Hammersmith kills 2 and leaves the last guy on 1 box.1 Then TWO Stormclads and a Centurion have to use their activations to kill him. But! I go to 4-2.

No allocation. Spells are upkept. Butcher just drops a hammersmith to 4 boxes with its movement left. The two jacks sacrifice actions to contest the middle flag. Holt runs in to contest. The Demo Corps and Shockies run up more! Score is 5-2 to me.(Central and right flags are contested. Hammersmith is towing the zone.)

I spot a chance to win this turn. I allocate to everything. First Stormclad wrecks a juggernaut, and a Centurion finishes it off. Haley TKs the second stormclad and backsteps to safety. The Second Stormclad slams Ruin back to let me score as Butcher does not contest. Versh aims, and guns down Holt, despite the in combat bonus. I end my turn and go clear by 5 and win.


Well, it was a tighter game than it looked, and had one decision not happened, or my opponent had positioned slightly differently, I would not have been able to run away with it like that. The two central obstructions really helped me, as I have a low model count army with TK, whilst they hindered my opponent. He picked the better deployment zone, but had the buildings mostly on his side of the board, which forced him to split his forces. If that hadn't have happened, I don't think I get a decent lead which I can hold onto. He played more aggressive with Butcher too. Camping 2-3 in charge range of 1 jack means Butcher is fairly safe. And as a demonstration of this, we played the next turn out, and Butcher and Ruin killed 4 heavies, 3 of which were at full.

Anyway, that's it for this report. And you might see my Swans at Blood and Oil. Possibly the legion too, maybe Mercs if I'm feeling particularly janky! 

Till next time!

Monday 1 July 2019

Better dead than red!

Last night, I played a game into Khador! My local team and clubmate decided to stray from his Grymkin into Khador. Basically,he traded a reprisal based list, for a slightly different reprisal based list! His list was:

Orsus Zoktavir, The Butcher of Khardov - WJ: +28 
- Ruin - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 17) 
- Juggernaut - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11) 

 Man-O-War Kovnik - PC: 4 
- Berserker - PC: 8 

Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios - PC: 7 

Man-O-War Demolition Corps - Leader & 4 Grunts: 14 
- Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich - PC: 0 

Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 16 
- Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer - PC: 0 

Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 16 
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt - Lady Aiyana & Master Holt: 8 

THEME: Armored Corps --- 

It's not fully optimised, but I'll go into it now to explain. He's just starting Khador, and wants to get some games in. He chose Butcher1, because Butcher1 is a good caster, with a solid spell list, INSANE feat, and the ability to bully the board is great. Iron Flesh on the big Shockies is great, and Fury on anything means he kills it. Vengeful should be a B1 exclusive ability in the text on the card. And Full Throttle is an AMAZING spell.

Ruin is, well, Ruin. He's a SUPER character jack, arguably one of the best in the game.

The Juggernaut is simple, effective. It applies AXE to face. (More on that later.)

The Kovnik is there for desparate pace, and to score flags if necessary. The jack is on him for a cheap jack that can charge and hit things. On a jack marshal, it bypasses the Unstable rule by not spending focus. Whic his a neat trick.

Eiryss is there for solo hunting and flag scoring.

Demo Corps are there to hit things as a second/third wave. Dragos makes them last A LOT longer too.

The big Shockies are there to march up and hold the zone at Arm21-23 depending on spell support. They hold zones a lot longer than you'd think, for thje most part.

The second shockies are there for a tertiary/secondary wave, depending on the matchup. Also to hold zones in shield wall.

Aiyana and Holt are there to fill points, my opponent doesn't have Valachev though.

I played my Legion into it, with The Twins! The list is: 

Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight - WB: +24
 - Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight (Cont.) 
- Zuriel - PC: 18 (Battlegroup Points Used: 18) 
- Scythean - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6) 
- Carnivean - PC: 18 
- Seraph - PC: 14 

Throne of Everblight - PC: 16 

Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion - PC: 0 

Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1 
Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1 
Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1 

The Forsaken - PC: 0 
The Forsaken - PC: 4 

Spell Martyr - PC: 1 
Spell Martyr - PC: 1 
Spell Martyr - PC: 1 

 Ice Witches - Leader & 2 Grunts: 7 

THEME: Oracles of Annihilation

It's a fairly generic list. The twins spread out and use their toolbox to control the flow of the board. Rhyas kills things dead, Zuriel does damage and is resilient to guns due to the bond. The Scytheboi is there for infantry clear, and the Carnivean is there as a single target missile. The Seraph is there because I'm a legion player and I need every tool I get.

The Throne is there to bully the board against medium based units in conjunction with Rhyas. I will happily trade either of those to let the other murder a whole unit, or most of one, depending on who dies.

The single Sorc on Hellion is due to model availability and its good anti gun tech.

Three Shepherds are because Legion. As are the rest of the support solos.

The Ice Witches are there under the idea that apparating Ice Cages are good, as are three sources of Puppet Master.. They're also three apparating Sprays and three magical melee attacks.

Anyway. Onto the game. We played Recon 2, and I chose the healing objective, and I forgot what my opponent picked. I won the roll off to go first, and chose first turn. I got given the side with more rough terrain. This didn't matter to me, as most of my stuff had pathfinder or flight.

Saeryn deployed centrally near my objective, with Rhyas 8" to her right with the Throne. Zuriel was central too, with the Scytheboi to the left alongside the carnivean. The seraph went next to Saeryn. I forgot to deploy my Sorceress, and the shepherds and forsaken went behind the beasts. I had two Spell Martyrs to my left, and one to my right. The witches hugged the battle engine because I thought I was playing Skorne or something. I dunno lol.

Khador deployed with the battlegroup central, the demo corps and big shockies to my right, the small shockies to my left. A&H went to my left too, and Aiyana deployed behind a wall. My opponent has 3 advance moves which are used on the 3 units.

The Seraph Apparates. The Ice Witches do too. Saeryn and Rhyas put Occultation on themselves and Banishing Ward on the Battle engine, and charge up. Zuriel runs up to behind a central building, out of LOS or Charge ranges of everything. The Carnivean and Scytheboi run up and the support tags along. The Throne runs up!

Butcher does not allocate. The Kovnik advances up and Desparate Paces the big shockies, and has his berserker follow him. The Big Shockies walk up in shield wall(My opponent doesn't cast Iron Flesh on them here, which is HUGE.) and bunker up in the zone. The Demo Corps follow them. The other unit run into the other zone(I write off scoring that one at this point.) Eiryss walks up and picks off a spell martyr. Ruin charges up the field further than he can run. The Juggy starts to play building hideaway with Zuriel. And Butcher walks up to his flag.

I leech in, as I had the perfect amount out this turn, and I upkeep both spells. Stuff apparates into better positions. The Ice witches give out puppet master to Saeryn, the Carnivean, and the Seraph. Saeryn and Rhyas go and position to put Rhyas 0.1" out of charge threat of the shockies, which also put them 0.1" out of shooting range and Saeryn sits on my flag in preparation of scoring. Saeryn goes and boosts a Marked For Death into Eiryss, rolling a trip 6 to do so.(One wasted Puppet Master.) The Carnivean then boosts a spray into Eiryss, rolling a 5, 6, 4 to hit and killing her in one hit.(Two wasted puppet masters.). This leaves my Seraph without a target, so it just positions for next turn.(Three wasted puppet masters.). The support runs up too.


Butcher allocates nothing again. The Kovnik walks up and does the same thing, followed by his ever faithful 'Serker. The Big Shockies shieldwall up again and walk further into the zone, followed by the demo corps. The second shockies make their zone even more secure by walking deeper into it. A&H shoot off a shepherd and a forsaken. Ruin runs up to the wall, and the juggy gets to the building.(Zuriel won the race.) Butcher walks up. 

Score: 1-0 to me.

Things apparate. Casters go up to their full, things get upkept. Firstly, the throne goes into the shocktroopers and kills 3. Then Saeryn and Rhyas go, Rhyas charges in, kills 2 other shocktroopers, and 1 Demo Corps dude.(At some point, Rhyas took 2 damage before this turn, but I cannot remember from where.) Saeryn sits on the flag being safe as fuck. The Carnivean charges ruin, and in 3 initials and 3 buys, he kills it, then spiny growth's. Zuriel charges a demo corps dude and kills another 2 for a total of 4 dead. Ice witches ice cage one demo corps guy to lock him down. Forsaken and other support run about too. 


Score: 2-0 to me.

Butcher loads up the juggy. Demo Corps vengeance, and in two attacks, do 20 damage to zuriel.
Butcher goes first, casts fury on the juggy, charges into his zone and in contact with the flag and feats. He kills the carnivean, to nobody's surprise. The non stationary Demo Corps move and put an attack into zuriel, which leaves him on 2, then two attacks from Dragos into zuriel, at which point my opponent decides to put the first attack into rhyas which misses, and she ripostes, killing Dragos. The last Shocky kills zuriel, and clears the way for the juggy to walk into the throne. The throne dies to the last focus spent! The other shockies walk up further! The kovnik runs in to contest.

Score: 3-2 in my favour.

I leech, and reave to go up to full. Stuff apparates. Rhyas kills the last of the shockies in her zone, which render the jack autonomous. (We misplay the rules here due to me confusing autonomous and inert.). My Scytheboi kills the juggy. The Seraph shoots Holt and kills him. I run solos up to contest. The Seraph charges into the zone to hold the shockies up.

Score: 4-2 in my favour(should be 3-2).


Butcher doesnt allocate. He has no vengeance. His berserker does its initials on rhyas, which both miss. Butcher Butcher charges the seraph, and forsaken, kill them. The shockies clear the zone from my other contesting sol, and charge my objective, killing in.

Score: 5-5 in my favour(Should be in his favour.)

I leech up, get to full. Rhyas feats, kills 3 shocktroopers and and gets Saeryn to safety. My Scythean kills the berserker. I run some of my last few solos and my seraph to contest!

Score: 7-5 to me.(Should be 6-5.)

The last two shocktroopers charge rhyas, and I let her die. Butcher then walks up and drops an obliteration on Rhyas, which I transfer to the scytheboi(Nothing is crippled).

Score: 7-5(Should be 6-5)

Saeryn stays safe and leeches 1. The Scytheboi passes his frenzy. The Spell Martyr runs up to contest the flag in case Butcher goes back to it. The Scythean charges and kills the objective. I end my turn and score 3, going to 10-5.

My afterthoughts of the game are, Butcher kills what butcher wants. My opponent forgot to put out key upkeeps early which would have changed everything, and I didn't know what B1 had to remind him. I should have checked. But the Twins are a great warlock unit, and continue to bring me good, enjoyable games! I made a couple of list mistakes, like miscalculating fury on that last turn, Rhyas could have dropped 2 more and still been safe.

All in all, it was a good fun game! Look forward to seeing more from the Khador player on here, as he's joining up to post occasionally from his outlook as a Grymkin/Khador player!

Saturday 25 May 2019

Skorne? What's that?

So, in my last post(in years gone by), I said that I'm maining Skorne....Well, about that...I sold them off to pay for some bills, and fund my mercs. But mostly the former!  That means, I'm currently focusing on Legion, again. I took them to the Welsh Masters, with Abby2 Oracles, Thags1 Children, and Kallus2 Oracles. I'll go into them in a separate post! For now, I'll explain what my Legion plans for the year are. For those wandering, I went 3-4-0 at the Welsh.

I'm still going all in on Infernals, but they're going to be a fully painted faction, so, they're about 5 years off, I mean, a year or two off! So until then, I'm focusing on the DRAGONSPAWN. I'm playing a Primal Terrors list(Either Kallus1 or Anamag) paired with Abby2 Oracles. That's what I'm planning to take to Blood and Oil this year. Neither are truly optimised(Not paying full retail for fucking Chosen in a thousand years.)

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Goals for 2019

New year, new faction! Wait, no, this is the third time I start Skorne. But currently, I'm maining Skorne until Infernals go live, whilst practicing them for the Welsh Masters. Unfortunately, this means I have to put my Legion and Cygnar on hold, the primary because I don't quite own the stuff I need to get the lists to a point I'm happy with, and the latter because I'm tired of Jakes2 being tra- the lack of caster diversity.

Pairing-wise, I went through the process that I explained in the previous Menoth article. As a result, I ended up with Makeda3 Imperial Warhost(Not quite finalised the battlegroup yet, and Morghoul2 Masters of War(Needs a lot of work.)

Thursday 24 January 2019

Nothing like a faction Skoene-d???

So, I've invested into skorne for the third time. And with that, I decided that I'm taking them to the Welsh Masters. To that wnd, I'm practicing with them  lot, and I've narrowed it down to Makeda3 and one of either Morghoul2 or Morghoul3.

The Makeda3 list is in Imperial Warhost and is designed to leverage bulwark using a pair of archidons and kreas.

The morghoul lidt was originally a Xerxis list in Masters of War using cataphracts. But the prevalence of circle and legion ruled that out. This meant I had to look into answers for those and morghoul 2 and 3 answered them well.

The lists are Morg2 in Masters of War and morghoul3 in Disciples of Agony. The former utilises swordsmen to leverage the takedown benefit and blind feat. Whilst the latter is all about berserk and overtake nihilators whilst using morghoul to deny the pacman effect.